Foreign Affairs

Conversation with Admiral (Ret.) Mike Mullen

Conversation with Admiral (Ret.) Mike Mullen

The Common good was honored to present an intimate conversation with Admiral (Ret.) Mike Mullen, former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, with hosts Maureen White and Tom and Ingrid Edelman.

Rethinking the Afghanistan War with Erik Prince

Rethinking the Afghanistan War with Erik Prince

The Common Good was proud to host an intimate discussion with Erik Prince on his thought-provoking strategy for a new operational approach in Afghanistan with an introduction by Edward Cox and a welcome by Chele Chiavacci Farley, co-hosted by Richard E. Farley.

The Changing World Order: Richard Haass

The Changing World Order: Richard Haass

Richard Haass addressed the current issues and the critically important long-term trends arund the globe that challenge the relative stability of our post-World War II geopolitical and economic framework. How do we navigate, as Haass puts it, a “world in disarray?” A timely discussion with one of the globe’s top foreign policy practitioners, authors, and thought leaders.