This historic and wildly unpredictable election has left many in America stunned and divided. What happened? And more important, what is ahead? The Common Good hosted a ‘Post-Election Panel’ to discuss ‘The New Political Landscape–History in the Making’ for a candid discussion on the winners and losers, and what it means for our nation.
Special Screening of “Disturbing the Peace”
Meet & Greet: Ambassador Nicholas Burns
Commentary on the 2016 Presidential Election with Bill Kristol
The Common Good Forum & American Spirit Awards 2016
Meet & Greet: Katie McGinty
Meet & Greet: The Right Honorable David Miliband
Creating a Great Economy: Lincoln’s Surprising Relevance Today
President Lincoln will be forever enshrined in the national consciousness for his moral courage in abolishing slavery. But economist and author Norton Garfinkle explained how this great president also has strong lessons for us today on how a great nation is built upon an economy based on shared progress. Garfinkle talked about Lincoln’s life and achievements anew through this important and refreshing lens – and show how Lincoln’s approach on the economy, from railroads, bridges, to commerce, are more relevant than ever in the times we live in today.