Republicans. Democrats

The American Political Landscape: What Happened to the Center

The American Political Landscape: What Happened to the Center

The US has become more splintered along left-right lines than almost any time in its history. Instead of joining the traditional parties, more voters than ever are opting to become independents - eschewing the parties that no longer fit their views. Where has the middle ground gone?

"Strategies to 270" with Douglas E. Schoen, Rick Tyler & Tom Rogers

"Strategies to 270" with Douglas E. Schoen, Rick Tyler & Tom Rogers

Republican Strategist Rick Tyler and Democratic Political Analyst Douglas Schoen joined The Common Good for an elaborate conversation on how the Democrats and the Republicans are working towards their goal of winning the 2020 race to the White House. We are thrilled that Tom Rogers, founder of CNBC and MSNBC, former President of NBC Cable and TCG Honorary Advisory Board member joined us to moderate the conversations.