Manhattan Society: The Common Good's Tribute to Ruth Gruber

The Common Good presented TCG's American Spirit Award to Ruth Gruber. Catherine Crier served as the evening's emcee. Presenting the American Spirit Award to Ruth Gruber was Ann Curry. In the words of TCG founder Patricia Duff (NNDB Listing), "Ruth is one of the most extraordinary and inspiring women of the latter half of the 20th century for her film-worthy exploits and accomplishments in journalism, government, and social activism." Hosted by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Catherine Keener, Kelly Klein, Barbara Kopple, Former First Lady of New York Michelle Paige Paterson,Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Bob Richman, Rachel Roy, and Naomi Wolf. Other VIP guests included: Lola Astanova, Debbie Bancroft, Kathleen Chalfant, Henry Chalfant, Rita Cosby, Dr. Lewis M. Feder, Rachel Lee Hovnanian, Ara Hovnanian, Lynne White et al. etc.

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