Thomas DiNapoli
54th Comptroller of the State of New York
Thomas P. DiNapoli is the 54th Comptroller of the State of New York. He is known for his integrity, independence and steadfast leadership. Since taking office in 2007, Tom DiNapoli has aggressively fought misuse of public resources, strengthened one of the nation’s top public pension funds, and consistently spoken out against fiscal gimmicks and government inefficiency.
Comptroller DiNapoli has changed the way the $176.8 billion state pension fund operates to increase transparency and establish strong internal controls, ensuring the strongest investment performance and ethical operations. He barred investment firms contributing to his campaign from doing business with the state pension fund. He was also a leading voice in getting the Securities and Exchange Commission to impose tough new rules on “pay to play” to prevent improper influence on investment decisions.
Protecting public funds from waste, fraud and abuse is part of Comptroller DiNapoli’s core responsiblities. His audits and efforts have identified billions in misuse, waste and savings. He has also been relied on to examine public finances and provide an independent, credible analysis of government finances. In January 2013, his office launched a Fiscal Monitoring System to score localities on their fiscal condition, sending an early warning to those in trouble.
DiNapoli spoke at The Common Good Forum 2015 on the panel “Investing the People’s Money” alongside Jane Buchan, Janet Cowell, moderated by Omeed Malik.
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