Steve Hildebrand
Democratic political strategist
Steve Hildebrand is a Democratic political strategist, and was the deputy national campaign director of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. In 2005, Hildebrand joined with Paul Tewes to form Hildebrand Tewes Consulting, a campaign consulting firm with offices in Washington, D.C., and Sioux Falls. In 2004, he was the campaign manager for U.S. Senator Tom Daschle’s (D-SD) losing re-election effort against U.S. Representative John Thune (R-SD). He was also campaign manager in U.S. Senator Tim Johnson’s (D-SD) winning re-election campaign in 2002 and Al Gore’s 2000 Iowa Caucus victory. He has served as Executive Director of the South Dakota and Minnesota Democratic Parties and Political Director of Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. He returned to his private consulting firm following Obama’s victory in the 2008 presidential election.
The Common Good hosted Hildebrand in 2010: Election Insurrection: The Mid-Term Elections 2010.
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