Robert Kennedy Jr.
American radio host, activist, attorney
Robert Kennedy, Jr., is an American radio host, activist, and attorney specializing in environmental law. He is the nephew of John F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy. Kennedy co-hosts Ring of Fire, a nationally syndicated American radio program.
In 1998, Kennedy, Chris Bartle, and John Hoving created a bottled water company that donates all of its profits to Waterkeeper Alliance. They named their Manhattan-based company Tear of the Clouds LLC., after the lake of the same name. Their product is bottled under the name Keeper Springs.
Kennedy has written two books and several articles on environmental issues. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, The Nation, Outside magazine, and The Village Voice. Since May 2005, he’s been a contributing blogger at The Huffington Post.
The Common Good hosted Kennedy in 2008: Our Environmental Destinies.
Twitter: @RobertKennedyJr