Paul Glastris


Paul Glastris

Editor-in-chief of The Washington Monthly

Paul Glastris is the editor-in-chief of The Washington Monthly and a senior fellow at the Western Policy Center in Washington, D.C.

From September 1998 to January, 2001, he was a special assistant and senior speechwriter to President Bill Clinton. He co-wrote the President’s address to the Democratic convention in Los Angeles in August, 2000, and contributed to his 1999 and 2000 State of the Union addresses. Glastris created the President’s “DC Reads this Summer” program, which has put over 1000 federal employees as volunteer reading tutors in Washington, D.C. public schools.

Before joining the White House, Glastris spent ten years as a correspondent and editor at U.S. News & World Report. There, he conceived of and edited two end-of-the-year issues consisting of “solution-oriented” journalism in 1997 and 1998. As Bureau Chief in Berlin, Germany (1995/1996), he covered former Yugoslavia during the final months of the Bosnian War. Prior to that, he covered the Midwest from the magazine’s Chicago bureau during two presidential campaigns, the Mississippi floods of 1993, and the rise of the Michigan Militia. He produced profiles of Midwest mayors, governors and other personalities, from Jesse Jackson to then-Presidential candidate Bill Clinton.

Glastris moderated a talk on The Role of Religion in the 2008 Campaign at The Common Good with Jon Meacham, Amy Sullivan, and Steven Waldman, introduced by Richard Feigen.

Twitter: @glastris
